UCM is an on-campus Christian community where students can encounter Jesus right where they are! We value whole-life worship, students leading students, and a hospitable community.
Our future leaders, educators, and policymakers are being influenced at the most strategic point in their lives on post-secondary campuses. Four years later these students from almost every nation are poised to enter the marketplace. Will these students have at least one trusted Christian friend, and the opportunity to hear the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ before they graduate?
“Will these students have at least one opportunity to hear the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ before they graduate?
Making, maturing, and mobilizing Christ-followers who will do the same with their peers. We endeavour to create an on-campus community where students can meaningfully encounter God.
Transforming university students, the marketplace and the world through Christ. We envision every post-secondary student having the opportunity to be reconciled and maturing in Christ.
“Where there is no vision, the people perish" — Proverbs 29:18
1. On campus hospitable community: We value a community marked by a genuine welcome, an invitation and inclusion.
2. Experiencing holistic worship: We value worship as a whole mind, body and soul expression to God in both word and deed.
3. Culture of students leading students: We value being a community that reproduces disciples of Jesus in all nations.
We gratefully acknowledge that we gather, serve, and worship on the traditional territories of the Qualicum and Snaw-naw-as (Nanoose) First Nations of the Coast Salish peoples.