Nelson and Lisa Monteiro – Brazil/Canada
We are PAOC global workers ministering both in Brazil and in Canada.
We believe that God’s redeeming work on the Cross was paramount to reconcile all things under Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our vision is to see the church rise to her full potential as God’s principal agent in restoring, healing and blessing broken nations.
Our mission is to help equip the church to be an effective agent of transformation in the lives of individuals, in their communities and in society.
Our focus has been on the transformation of poor communities as well as on equipping millennials to be God’s agents of transformation to society through their God-given vocation.
We work in partnership with the Disciple Nations Alliance (DNA) which is a global movement of churches and organizations seeking to bring God’s Kingdom transformation to the nations.
For strategic partnerships to advance this movement of transformation of individuals, communities and nations;
For God-given ability to engage, equip and release millennials to be God’s agents of transformation in society;
For God's abundant provisions to accomplish our mission.
To support the work of the Monteiros, select 'Missions' in the drop-down menu when you give. Please consider setting up a recurring monthly gift to missions to support our workers.
We gratefully acknowledge that we gather, serve, and worship on the traditional territories of the Qualicum and Snaw-naw-as (Nanoose) First Nations of the Coast Salish peoples.