At Oceanside one of our core values is Transformative Prayer. We desire that everything we do flows out of a life of prayer so that our hearts are as closely aligned with God's heart as possible: what the great spiritual writers call "union with Christ." This prayer takes on many forms: passionate intercession, silent listening, liturgical prayer, groanings too deep for words, and much more.
Prayer at Oceanside Community Church is grounded in the belief that Jesus is best suited to healing the ailments of our soul and our lives. He loves to make us whole because he loves us. He transforms us by healing our sickness, repairing brokenness, replacing lies with truth, bringing freedom, forgiving sin, bringing light into darkness, and so much more!
No matter the type of prayer, the purpose is always to engage the heart of God and allow Him to transform our hearts by the Holy Spirit.
A few of the ways we corporately prioritize prayer:
Sunday Service Prayer
Every worship service incorporates times of prayer, both corporate and individual. There is also an opportunity in every service to receive prayer from one of our trained prayer teams.
Also, on the second Sunday of each month we provide an extended time of enjoying God's presence in worship, prayer, and reflection after each service. Come ready to soak in His presence!
Intentional Prayer & Worship Gatherings
Keep an eye on the Events page (and see events below) for the next prayer & worship gathering. Join us for a night of uniting our hearts with Jesus and each other through prayer and song.
Each year we engage together for a dedicated time of prayer & fasting.
What is Christian Fasting? Here's a two-minute explanation:
Want to go deeper? Here's the full teaching on fasting.
Life Groups
One of the core tenents of our Life Groups is weekly prayer with each other. Find out more and how to get in a group on our Life Groups page.
Got a Prayer Request?
If you'd like to submit a prayer request, please send a message to
We'd love to pray for you!
You can also submit your prayer requests by filling out the contact form on the homepage or by submitting it via our digital Connect Card.
Prayer Resources
In addition to these, visit our prayer resource table on Sunday!
Oceanside Morning Prayer Liturgy
31 Ways to Pray Teaching & Printable Booklet
24/7 Prayer and Worship (IHOP Prayer Room)
The 10:02 Call to Pray for the Harvest
Following the lead of our District Fellowship, we are encouraging everyone to set aside a time each day to pray for workers for the harvest. Luke 10:2 says, “Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest fields”. Set your smartphone or device to remind you at 10:02am or pm to pray for labourers and an increase in workers for the harvest fields in our community and around the world.