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Oceanside Community Church will be offering the Zoe Network IDENTITY course for women beginning February 3rd. 

The people at ZOE network believe that every person has been given a unique "deposit" of gifts and passions that God wants to use for His purposes! The IDENTITY course helps people discover those gifts and gives them the courage to respond to God’s invitation to join Him in His work. Through teaching, exercises, and small group discussion, people of all ages can discover their “bit” in God’s mission!

  • By the end of the course, you will have:
    • Defined your unique strengths and spiritual gifts.
    • Examined the topic of women and leadership and analyzed your personal attitudes and/or misgivings towards it.
    • Identified your own pre-understandings related to the Biblical mandate for women in leadership and created a plan for further study as needed.
    • Completed a Leadership Timeline to identify and share a “Turning Point” in your personal journey
    • Mapped out your “next steps” for further personal development.

The course is 6 weeks in length and you can expect about 3 hours of “homework” per week. It will be lead by Oceanside women's leaders and ZOE course facilitators Chantel Mebs and Erin West, hosted at 1340 Tyler Road, Errington. *Please note: stairs must be used to access this location.*



The cost for the Participants Guide for the 6-week course is $25.

There is an additional cost of approximately $27 for the Strengthsfinder assessment. Participants are responsible course costs.



Mondays Feb. 3 - March 10 from 6:30-8:30pm. Guests are free to arrive at 6:15 for fellowship before we begin.