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This halloween three of our life groups participated in the "Treat the Street" community outreach event.  This annual event blesses our community with kindness and love by handing out warm drinks, tons of candy, and sharing light instead of darkness.

This year we were able to meet and connect with over 200 people at our home locations plus more folks at the Coombs candy walk. There were some great conversations and opportunites to show our community that we care. We are already looking forward to next year, how we can connect with more families, and how we can incorporate more life groups.

A special thanks to our Oceanside young adults for spearheading this initiative, and thank you to all who were involved in making this year's "Treat the Street" a success.

In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:4-5