Outdoor Service ReminderWorship Outdoors! - Sunday, September 3, 2023 A reminder that our last outdoor service of the summer and church BBQ are this Sunday! Worship in our beautiful back parking lot surrounded by tall trees and spot the occasional eagle! These are great invitational events, so bring a friend! For more infomation visit: http://oceansidecommunitychurch.ca/events/outdoor-service--299/2023-09-03
Life Groups - New Session
We are preparing to re-launch Life Groups for the fall season. These groups meet weekly at different times and locations to connect, dive into God's Word and spend time in prayer. If you're interested in joining a Life Group, please contact Paul, or fill out the sign-up form. For more infomation visit: https://oceansidecc.elvanto.eu/form/92c51c3b-b73d-45d2-83c5-32f4cb87553d
Volunteers needed for Men's Breakfast!Saturday, September 16, 2023 Our Oceanside Men's Ministry is holding a men's breakfast at the church in a couple of weeks. This is a chance to bless the men in our church and community with a home cooked meal, fellowship and spiritual nourishment. Ladies, if you're able to bless this ministry by volunteering with cooking, food prep, serving or clean-up, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact Hannah today. For more infomation visit:
Delightful Daily DiligenceProverbs: Living Wisdom - Sunday, August 27, 2023 We wrapped up our short series on Proverbs last Sunday. In the final message Paul shared about the delights of allowing God to direct our daily diligence. The full series is available here , on our church app or on podcast. For more infomation visit: http://oceansidecommunitychurch.ca/media/2023-08-27-delightful-daily-diligence
Thank You for Giving!
Thank you for your generosity in giving to support the mission and programs of our church. We offer several ways to give so that we can continue to effectively and positively impact our community and adhere to our core values of radical generosity and mutual hospitality. If you are new to the church, or would simply like a refresher, click through for a description of our giving options. For more infomation visit: