36 Hours Left to Solidify a Lasting Legacy in 2024!Help reach our next milestone! Dear Church, What an amazing year it's been! Consider:
1. Over 500 people worshipped with us on Christmas Eve! One non-Christian visitor to one of our Christmas services said: "This is exactly what I was looking for this season. A sense of family and belonging." Wow!
2. After Sunday's baptism (see service below), we've baptized a record 20 people this year. Lives are being transformed!
3. We've solidified a strong ministry staff, including a full-time administrator for the first time, and our Worship Arts pastor Marcello completing his first full calendar year at Oceanside. The foundation of the church is stronger than ever as it no longer depends on just one or a few staff members. This helps the church withstand any absensnces or any future transitions without major impact.
In order to move into next year and the Word we believe God has given us to "Explore New Horizons," we need to finish as strong as possible.
DID YOU KNOW? 1. We're only approximately $15,000 away from our next milestone! If every household reading this gave just $75 in the next 36 hours, we'd reach it!
2. All gifts are tax deductible. All giving above $200 reduces your taxes even more!
3. A recent study shows that every $1 given to a church congregation results in over $5 of community impact. Your gift mulitplies 5x in impact! For more infomation visit:
E-transfer to send your gift immediatelySend to giving@oceansidecc.ca Need help or other options to give? Email info@oceansidecc.ca For more infomation visit:
Testimonies: How Lives are Being ImpactedLooking back at 2024 Hear and see how God is mightily at work in our church in this 3-minute video! For more infomation visit:
Looking Back and Looking AheadThe Lord Bless You in 2025! It's one of our favourite services of the year, so if you missed it, take some time this week to worshipfully reflect as well as dedicate the coming year to Jesus! For more infomation visit:
No Youth This WeekResumes Jan. 7 For more infomation visit: http://oceansidecommunitychurch.ca/events/no-youth-this-week--452/2024-12-31
New Year's NuggetsAn Annual Tradition! Join us at 9am or 11am this Sunday! For more infomation visit: http://oceansidecommunitychurch.ca/events/new-years-nuggets--448/2025-01-05
End of Year Giving
Remember, the more we raise and more milestones we hit, the more matching gifts will be given by generous donors to support a new vehicle for our missionaries and help young families and women in need through Crossroads. Therefore, your year-end gift will multiply in blessing and impact! For more infomation visit: