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More than half of Canadian adults do not have a financial plan and a written will. Are you ready for tomorrow - or even for today?

We care about families and their Biblical understanding of financial matters, and we want to help you plan effectively for the future.

We recognize the need for a diverse set of tools to help you establish and maintain healthy stewardship while achieving godly goals in all aspects of your family life.

Oceanside Community Church is partnering with PAOC Stewardship Services to present a Radical Stewardship Seminar during our Sunday morning services on February 25th. This informative seminar will offer individuals and families the opportunity to learn and implement deep-rooted biblical principles that will help you honour God in every area of your life.

Following the seminar, there will be an opportunity to sign up for a personal appointment to help you achieve personal financial goals.

The Radical Stewardship seminar is free and sponsored by The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada as a service to its churches and their families. (No products will be sold or offered at the seminar.)