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The Family Ministries Annual Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser is just around the corner!

Join us for a pancake breakfast after the 11am service (if attending the 9, feel free to come back!) This fundraiser is the BIGGEST contributor to the Camp Financial Assistance Fund, which helps send many kids to Nanoose Bay Camp every year.

If you have received financial assistance for camp, if you want to help families who need assistance with camp, or if you'd just like a great pancake breakfast, please join us! 

Suggested donation is $5 per person.

Members: please join us for our AGM after the breakfast.



(Spending of funds is confined to Church Council Approved Programs and Projects (CCAPP). Each contribution directed toward CCAPP will be used as restricted, with the understanding that when the need for a CCAPP is met or cannot be completed (as determined by the Council), the remaining restricted contributions will be used where most needed.)