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Final Days! Sign Up Today!

As we walk through the Advent and Christmas season together, we are once again aiming to serve our community through our annual Christmas Community Impact Project. This is a powerful way to tangibly support our community every year and we feel honoured, privileged, and blessed as a church to be in a unique position where we often know about people's needs or people reach out to us. This year we are going to impact our community in two ways.

1) Through the generous donations of our church family, we aim to give many items to the Island Crisis Care Society for distribution to their clients this Christmas season. (Donations due by Dec.11th)

2) We will be supporting local families with food hampers. (There might be a few gifts too! Reach out to the Church Office) These dinner baskets and gifts will be delivered from the church with notes of blessing and letting them know their local church loves them! Sign up here.

These small acts of kindness and material giving help to spread hope and care to those who may be walking through some of life's most difficult seasons. 

Let's see how we can fulfill our core value of Radical Generosity by helping as much as possible.

For the most current information lists of needed items, please pick up a reminder flyer in the church lobby, or contact the church office at any time.

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